The Connected Worker

Articles and information on implementing connected worker solutions in industrial environments.
The WTF Series –    Session 3 – CWI Base Camp Example

The WTF Series – Session 3 – CWI Base Camp Example

This series is titled “Why Technology Fails”, and previous session articles have discussed key blockers (notably fear of change and the decision cycle) to corporate-level adoption. But companies do change and they do adapt new processes and technology with which they maintain a competitive edge and thrive. So then what does a successful digital...

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The WTF Series – Session 2 – Understanding the Decision Cycle

The WTF Series – Session 2 – Understanding the Decision Cycle

In the last WTF session Setting Up to Succeed at Digital Transformation we discussed the corporate environment in which most Digital Transformation initiatives are required to perform. The People – Process – Technology ecosystem, as well as the silo structure of most mature organizations play a huge part in both the stability of the company and a natural...

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The WTF Series – Session 1- Setting Up to Succeed at Digital Transformation

The WTF Series – Session 1- Setting Up to Succeed at Digital Transformation

Do more with less. Make better decisions faster. Reduce paper and improve processes. A corporate Digital Transformation (DT) program promises improvement like these and more. It’s easy to see the why DT is attractive to industrial construction companies. Organizations are dedicating significant resources towards implementing DT initiatives in an effort to...

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SmartConnect Featured in Workplace Safety and Health Q&A Session

SmartConnect Featured in Workplace Safety and Health Q&A Session

In advance of the July 9th Webinar held by Semtech titled "Protecting Employees in a Post-COVID-19 Workplace", SmartConnect's Shannon Posey and David Freed answered questions about how LoRa supported the connected worker solution. Topics ranged from wireless options considered during product development to using LoRa in badge to badge ranging. Read the...

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SmartConnect and Semtech Present Free COVID-19 Health and Safety Webinar

SmartConnect and Semtech Present Free COVID-19 Health and Safety Webinar

Enabling COVID-19 Health & Safety Compliance with LoRa Devices In this webinar, SmartConnect and Semtech will address key questions, including: How are the logistics, manufacturing and construction industries more challenging than office environments to protect workers in accordance with health and safety guidelines? How does SmartConnect's Connected...

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Why Your Company Needs Digital Contact Tracing

Why Your Company Needs Digital Contact Tracing

California governor Gavin Newsome’s recent executive order has put many businesses on edge by stating that workers who are shown to have COVID-19 may claim Worker’s Comp benefits if they recently worked on-site. The order allows Worker Comp cases to “presume” that the individual contracted COVID at work unless the employer can “rebut” this presumption....

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